Development of the junction between the Casablanca port seaway and Regional Road 322

Development of the junction between the Casablanca port seaway and Regional Road 322

  • Creation of a dedicated road for trucks arriving at and heading towards the port;
  • Creation of two ramps in both directions on this corridor;
  • Development of the Mimosa crossroads;
  • Installation of sidewalks, drainage and public lighting;
  • Relocation of networks linked to the Mimosa junction;
  • Construction of a pedestrian footbridge spanning the branch linking the Mimosa roundabout to the seaway;
  • Approx. 200 m of landscaping around the seaway;
  • Provision of temporary street lighting along the seaway.
  • Street lighting work, including connections;
  • Landscaping work;
  • electrical connection.
  • Contracting Authority: The National Ports Agency
  • Delegated Contracting Authority: Casablanca Aménagement SA
  • The National Ports Agency: 50 MDH
Global investment