His Majesty the King Mohammed VI launched, on Monday 25th of January in the prefecture of Ain Sbaa-Hay Mohammadi districts in Casablanca, the development of the Casablanca road network project that aims to promote road security, improve the city’s attractiveness and protect the environment.
The project consist in the redevelopment and the construction of roadways, sidewalks and crosswalks, the reinforcement of the public lighting network and road marking, the modernization of street furniture and the improvement of ways and public gardens.
A result of a partnership between the Ministry of the Interior and urban district of Casablanca, this project, will cost 3,170 MMDH and will be achieved by 2020.
This project is an integrated part of the 2015-2020 Casablanca Strategic Development Plan and reflects the constant will of HM the King to provide Morocco’s economic capital with modern infrastructure in line with international standards.